
In need of an enthusiastic Retreat or Recollection Master?
An energetic Seminar or Team Building Facilitator?
Someone to guide your pilgrimages?
Or just simply, a brother to talk to?

PATHFIRE is an apostolate of the Cause for Canonization of Blessed Ivan Merz in the Philippines. It aims to rekindle God’s fire of love in every people’s heart through different spiritual activities presided by the ‘Lightbearers,’ in the spirit of Blessed Ivan Merz, the Apostle of the Youth.

Guided by the Vatican II’s Sensus Fidelium, our retreats and recollections are based on contemporary human experiences. We conduct practical and sensible spiritual exercises with liveliness for everyone. Thus, everything is ecumenical and inter-religious friendly for schools and companies.

Our pool of resource persons are credible to share God’s Word and its message through seminars and team building according to your needs. It would be a perfect avenue for learning and unity as one community under Jesus’ name.

Pilgrimage is an ancient spiritual exercise that allows people to experience God’s presence through travel and visit to Holy Places, local or abroad.

We will journey with you and lead you in an experience of heaven here on earth, equipped with history, theology, and personal experiences to share.

“In spiritual direction, I must examine what is happening in my heart, where the Spirit is moving, if I felt desolation or consolation, if I am tired, why I am sad: These are the things to talk about with the man or woman who is my spiritual director.”  –Pope Francis

Life is full of treasures. Allow us to accompany you in finding the “pearl of great price” in your life. The Lightbearers will walk with you towards a life of blessings, healing, inspirations, and sanctification.